Monday, September 1, 2008

Pathos Blog

This blog is about my example of a pathos image I found. The one I chose is a picture of a homeless man looking very defeated into the camera. His eyes look very sad and in need of help. In the corner there some words which read, "Help. So that no one have to come here for food" It is from a foreign organization that helps homeless people. I feel like the ad is trying to use people emotions to make them feel bad and that they should help the homeless people.

I am not sure if the words are just translated poorly or they tried to use bad grammar to help prove their point. Either way it makes you think about how hard these people have it and how lucky we are. That is what I think these people are trying to play on, our comfort compared to the homeless people's discomfort.


AlleOsborne said...

I agree with you most of the time on this, especially if it's homeless people not in America. As for most homeless Americans, I really don't feel sorry for them unless they've had some extreme hardships which isn't the case most of the time. Getting a job somewhere isn't hard. There's opportunity here for everyone in my opinion.

Lindsay B said...

This is a very good example. Advertisements can be manipulative when they have emotional pictures that drag you in. Pathos are a very good way to make an argument and pull in your audience.