Monday, September 8, 2008

08 Election

Well, I kind of feel bad because as I looked at some of the other blogs on this topic I really felt uninformed but I did learn a lot just from reading everyone else's entry on the topic. I found some issues I feel are important to me in the future.

Some of these issues are about energy. I do think we need to start using all our natural resources, that would keep us from being dependent on other countries. Also, making clean energy is making a big push now and I think it is a big problem we have really overlooked. I am glad now we are trying to fix it though.

Honestly I do not know enough about taxes and that part of the election to have an input, but I would like to see stem cell research used. Again, on this issue I do not know what it all means I just know it could help a lot of people.

This blog is really making me want to be informed and make my own decisions not just the opinions I get off of T.V. or my friends and family. So, we will see how my views and interests change over the semester.

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