Monday, September 15, 2008

Letter to the Editor

The thought of a person lying to you makes you mad, does it not? This would make any normal person at least upset. And that is totally understandable, so why can some people get away with it?
Mr. Dobbs makes a very good point here in how he shows the candidates in numerous lies. Each presidential candidate and vice president are all guilty of this “un punishable” crime. They are allowed to say almost what ever they like in order to sway the public to vote for them. The worst part is that we, the people, just stand there blindly clapping and nodding our heads. We should have enough common sense or enough aptitude to go out and look up the real details for ourselves.
It would seem like making a researched decision would be a very ideal and normal thing to do, when in fact it is almost the opposite. The titles on CNN and other national and local news stations read “Your Decision 2008” when in fact it is mostly the media’s decision in how they read the news. This could be remedied if people looked for unbiased news and made an effort to know the facts.
The bias in most news stories can be very annoying, but Mr. Dobbs really did well in his article to not just focus on one side but to critique both sides’ arguments. If there were more writers and articles like this it would help the normal citizen sift through the completely slanted pieces. Especially for writing for the Washington Post I can imagine it being very hard to write an article that does not learn any particular way. Also it was good of the Houston Chronicle to use this article because it gives a good view of fairness to what could be a more conservative paper.
This also goes both ways though. The reader can not go into an article already hating it because then it just gets nothing solved. There has to be some sort of neutral ground where the writer and reader are both open and willing to listen and be fair. This perfect world situation seems very good in theory but in the real world conditions this could not happen very often. It seems something like this could maybe happen in a world where the politicians do not have to lie and make false promises to get votes.
That is another great issue brought up: these politicians are lying to our faces. They say things that hold no weight and they stand upon these statements. How is it that the leaders of our country can lie their way into office? It seems that the whole institution has become a huge debacle. And, that is a very sad thing to watch because it is held in very high regard not only in our country but by other people in other countries.
On the whole it was refreshing to read this article for quite a few reasons and the timing of it was perfect in how it was available when many questions were being asked of the validity of the candidates’ arguments and even their characters.

Author’s Note:
1: This is the first draft
2: I feel the paper is okay, I really did not know how to start the paper off, or how to close it.
3: Not really sure if I made too many arguments or how it flowed, also did I relate the article enough? Do I need to?

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